
Explainer Animation.

Explainer animation has the power to pull your service to the top. Please don’t confuse it with regular advertisement. Because an effective explainer animation grabs the audience’s focus and then explains why s/he needs it.

It focuses on the need, and then explain it with LOGIC,

because People Buy With Emotion and Justify with Logic.

Explainer is POWER!

Explainer videos are a great way to communicate the unique value of your business to potential customers. They offer an engaging way to tell stories and explain complex topics in a simple and concise manner.

Explainer videos are becoming increasingly popular in today’s digital world, and they can be used for a variety of purposes such as product demos, customer testimonials, tutorials, or even just to showcase the company’s culture. To create effective explainer videos, there are some key rules you should follow:

1) storytelling should be at the heart of any successful explainer video;

2) visuals should be simple yet captivating; and

3) the content should be concise yet informative.

By following these basic rules, you can create an effective explainer video that will capture your audience’s attention and help them learn more about your business.

Example Explainer.

Here you can see a couple of explainers I had done for some awesome companies.

Can your Business use Explainer?

Explainer animations benefit diverse industries: tech, education, healthcare, finance, travel, marketing, real estate, HR, nonprofit, automotive, and more.


Explainer animations can help tech companies introduce new software, demonstrate app functionalities, and explain complex technological concepts to non-technical users.

Educational institutions and online learning platforms can use explainer animations to create engaging and interactive lessons, making it easier for students to grasp difficult subjects.

Explainer animations can be employed to explain medical procedures, showcase pharmaceutical products, or educate patients about their conditions and treatment options.

Financial institutions can use explainer animations to clarify financial concepts, illustrate the benefits of their services, and guide customers through online banking processes.

Nonprofit organizations can leverage explainer animations to raise awareness about their causes, explain their mission, and encourage donations.

Explainer animations can be used in the automotive industry to demonstrate vehicle features, assembly processes, and safety guidelines.

Companies in the travel industry can utilize explainer animations to showcase vacation destinations, explain travel packages, or provide virtual tours of hotels and resorts.

Real estate agencies can use explainer animations to give virtual property tours, explain the home-buying process, and highlight key features of properties.

Explainer animations are valuable for marketing agencies to create compelling advertisements, explain marketing strategies, and engage audiences on social media.

E-commerce businesses can use explainer animations to showcase product features, demonstrate how products work, and guide customers through the shopping process.

Organizations focused on environmental issues can use explainer animations to educate the public about eco-friendly practices and promote sustainability initiatives.

Companies can utilize explainer animations for employee training, explaining company policies, and delivering HR-related information.

These are just a few examples, but the possibilities are vast. Explainer animations can benefit any industry that needs to communicate complex information in an engaging and easily digestible manner.